Democracy Text Team: Georgia Action Update: Thursday 2 PM PST

Hosted by Linda Carman

Join us to find out how the Democracy Text Team will work on the Georgia Senate Race. We are working with organizations that texted for the National Election to identify next steps and strategy for winning the Georgia seats.  Without you we couldn't have flipped the White House blue.  We will also report out on the Text Totals for our Team.  We need you to win!  See you there!  

November 12, 2020 at 2:00pm - 3pm
linda carman ·
Lisa Grigsby Roxie Baker Janet Bizzell Joan Sturm Lee Zasloff Ruthe Schwartz Sue Adler-Bressler Ted Landau Beth Stonebraker Patri Lawson Carol Pachl Barbara Kuppersmith Laura Fertig Terry Murphy Robert Waggener Linda Olivenbaum Sabienne Brutus Lynn Adler Patrick Nance Janet Hoy Marilyn Weed Anson Smith Jeremy Detamore Jeri Pederson Joan Little Audrey Robinson Laurie Friedman Judith Brown Detlef Adolff Don Williams Pete Jacobson Christie Boyd Jennifer Pusatere David Besenfelder Alicia Bunce Emily Vitan Shelley McFarland Gail Naftalin Carol Rizzolo Nicole Davis Sandra Rosenbloom Paul Schneider Brenna Iredale Jordan Weltman Linda Ferguson - Berger Jill Markham Liz Haworth-Hoeppner Judy Kirkpatrick

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