We at Commit to Democracy know that 2022 will be a tough year. We have to hold the House and expand the Senate in order to build for our country’s future. We must do this to continue passing legislation that will benefit the future of our families, our communities, and our entire nation. We must do this work to protect the democratic principles that our country was founded upon. Now is the time to step forward with a bold strategy and work to win.
We can win! We have more volunteers than in other mid-term cycles, and we know how to organize. We won the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. We are not new to this work. Let’s start now by phone banking, texting, postcarding, and canvassing. We will win by using all these outreach efforts.
We have more volunteers than in other mid-term cycles, and we know how to organize. We can Make the News. We can take the Narrative! Here's how!
Our 2022 Strategy - Hold Blue Seats, Flip Open & Vulnerable Red Seats.
Increase Our Majority & Create a Filibuster Proof Senate!
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