Spanish for Activists

Would you like to speak with voters in Spanish? Bienvenidos a Español para Activistas. Come join us in learning basic Spanish phrases to help you when calling voters, canvassing door to door, or registering voters who prefer to speak in Spanish. This course is for volunteers with some Spanish, learned perhaps several decades ago, who would like to refresh their knowledge or learn new vocabulary that is useful when talking about voting and election issues. Your Spanish doesn't have to be perfect or even very good. The Latinx community will appreciate your communicating in Spanish and it will make a difference. To enroll, please RSVP and tell your friends about it so they may also join. The class is limited to 20 people to make interaction in Spanish possible. We hope you can join but if you cannot at this time, know that it will be offered again in the future.

Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early for parking, walking to the building, and check-in.

Where:  525 4th St
Oakland, CA 94607


February 29, 2020 at 1:15pm - 3pm
Judith ·
Molly Huber

Will you come?

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