Canvass for Dr. Kermit Jones in Roseville

Remember when we used to meet voters where they live and interact with them? This is key to winning in 2022. Research shows that this additional form of contact and information sharing results in higher voter turnout. And, yes we need turnout in California to boost Dr. Kermit Jones to victory. Kermit Jones is running against a MAGA Republican and needs our help. If you came to the Town Hall, yo know how qualified he is. He has the compassion, intelligence, and temperament to be a fantastic Congressman. He is a leader we need in Washington!

CTD is joining forces with Indivisible Marin to canvass in Tracy for Harder.  Sign up today and more details will be sent to you. Our Canvass Leader Janie Frank will be in touch with specifics on the meeting location, carpooling options, and lunch at the canvassing site provided by CTD.

The plan is to canvass from 9:00am - 1:00pm, break for lunch and then canvass again if you can until 3 PM. More than ever it is important to engage and inform voters of the importance, now more than ever, of electing and keeping Democrats in office.

Please share this with like-minded friends and family!  See you there!

October 29, 2022 at 9:00am - 3pm

Will you come?