Final Days to Victory TEXT to GOTV: Monday November 2nd, 10 AM PDT

Hosted by Melissa Pendolino and Linda Carman

Final days to Victory!  We must secure a BLUE WAVE on November 3rd.  Help us GOTV by texting to battleground states important voting information, reminders to vote, and asking voters to pledge to ensure their friends vote!  It is not too late to train!  We will train you and have you texting within 30 minutes and you will be able to reach thousands of voters in an hour. 

While we are texting together, we can share stories, ask questions on how to text, and listen to some amazing videos and songs.  Texting can be social and, in these anxious days leading up to the election; texting can be healing.

So, join C2FB texters and Leaders to lock down our victory at our Monday Text Marathon! 

If you need training, simple set up instructions will be sent to you prior to the session.  You will need a laptop, desktop or smart tablet to text.  SEE YOU THERE!

November 02, 2020 at 10:00am - 2pm
linda carman ·
Linda Austin Kevin Smith Monisha Merchant Ruthie Jones Carol Pachl Laurie Friedman Linda Cloud Maria Absalon Jacqueline Yamaoka Cindy Bendat Jenna Kemp Richard Bermack Doug Drozd Janette Vine Roz Leiser Joan Little Anne Grady Susan Lindheim Carol Kuelper Tomi Kobara Judy Feldman Carol Rizzolo Kevin Rauch Josh Norek Robert Sorensen Genie Stowers Rosemary Alonso Ruthe Schwartz Alyce Ortuzar Susan Dambroff Susan Greenwald Larry Bilick Diane Bianchi Patrick Nance Leslie Rubinstein Sharon Cushman Blake Adolff Marilyn Weed Netsy Firestein

Will you come?

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