Low-Tech Phone Banking Made Super Easy - LEARN HOW!


We all want to do our part to Dump Trump and Flip the Senate, and with canvassing on-hold, virtual phone banking is the best way to reach voters in battleground states and Get Out the Vote! But....

  • Frustrated trying to use automated dialing systems?
  • Looking for a low-tech option?

If you have an iPad or tablet, or an older computer without audio, or no computer or tablet at all, this is your low tech solution to phone banking.

Flip the West's and Commit to Flip Blue's expert and understanding phone bank trainers, Maureen and Diana, will show you how! They'll help you through every step, A - Z, to get you up and running. At this class you will:

  • Create an account with Open VPB on your cell phone, iPad, tablet or computer.
  • Review a sample Get Out the Vote script.
  • Make a practice call using on your phone.
  • Learn how to join the virtual phone bank center of your choice (on Zoom), ORfind out how to call voters on your own (the no-Zoom option).

If you want, you can stay the full two hours and make more calls.

Classes are held every Wednesday and Friday from 10am - noon Pacific.

If you have any questions, please contact Diana at [email protected].


October 28, 2020 at 4:00pm - 6pm
Diana ·