Join us for Oakland Phone Bank Sundays!
Hosted by Commit to Flip Blue and Swing Left East Bay
If we are going to hold onto the House, flip the Senate and the White House, we need to fire up the phones and reach voters.
Calling Focuses:
• Key states toward Flipping the Senate starting with Virginia
• State legislative races to reduce Gerrymandering • Fight voter suppression in key sates
• California CD-10 & 21
Sundays Noon-3 pm (starting Sept. 29, plus Nov. 3-5) at Oakstop, 1721 Broadway, Oakland
• Across the Street from the 17th Street exit of the 19th St. BART station
• Street parking and parking lots nearby
• Near AC Transit bus stops and 5 blocks from Oakland Civic Center
Bring a fully charged cell phone AND laptop/iPad plus chargers.