We are one year out from 2022 and we are going to use these first few months working on a variety of critical campaigns and efforts to build our democratic strength in key swing states. We host a weekly Phone Bank Hub with opportunities for Phone Bankers to work on a variety of campaigns. We need more Phone Bankers to join our work. It is easy to do and incredibly rewarding to reach a voter and share valuable information with them.
We are offering some training sessions to get new Phone Bank Volunteers onboarded to Phone Bank. We hope you will sign up and bring a friend.
CTD Phone Banks are highly organized and poised to allow experienced Phone Bankers to get right to work and to train new Phone Bankers too! You will learn how to Phone Bank through an application where the dialing is automated. You will need a laptop, desktop, or smart tablet to Phone Bank. If you haven't phone banked in awhile, you will be delighted at how easy it is now to make calls to voters!
Hope to see you there!
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