Saturday GOTV Texting Marathon: Let's Do This

Saturday C2FB Texting GOTV Marathon: Hosted by Democracy Text Team Trainers

Join us to TEXT on Saturday.  We will be working on several important GOTV Campaigns.  Join us to send 500K texts for MoveOn, 60K texts to Arizona New Voters, and 200K texts for Resistance Labs to GOTV.   If you are trained texters, join us and help other Texters text that have just joined the team.  While we text, we will have special visitors pop in to talk to us, watch the funniest videos of the week, and have a contest or two.  Make a plan to be with us from 10-2 pm and then 2-4 pm. We are can do so much together!  Let's get the job done!

In solidarity,

Democracy Text Team Trainers and Leaders

October 10, 2020 at 10:00am - 12pm
Valerie Richman Danny Hirsch Sharon Noble Eric Norum Toby Adams Audrey Robinson Brenna Iredale Gail Naftalin Darcy McCabe Laura Boostani Billie Gastic Rosado Nan Tecotzky Tamara Munger Linda Shenon

Will you come?

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