Spanish Phone Bank Sundays: 11 AM-1 PM


Spanish Phone bank

¡Bienvenidos a nuestras llamadas semanales en línea!

Commit to Flip Blue, Democracy Action Marin and Flip the West have teamed up for a weekly, Saturday morning call-from-home Spanish phone bank! We need your help calling Spanish-speaking voters about electing Democrats to the Senate and White House, and registering to receive their ballots by mail.

Whether you are new to campaigns or an expert, you have a place with our people-powered campaign. The good news is online phone banking is easy to learn! If you have never made calls with a campaign before, do not worry, we will provide training.

What to expect: You will join a “Virtual Phone Bank Center” on Zoom where you will either go to a break-out room for training, or go to a break-out room to make Spanish language calls. Technical support is always available. Throughout, you’re invited to meet your fellow phone bankers, share success stories, and give us feedback.

What to bring: Bring your laptop, desktop, or Smart Tablet with a video and audio capability. You also will need a separate smart phone. Please print out the scripts prior to the Phone Bank.

RSVP today, and invite a friend to join you!

If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Moreau, at [email protected]

August 16, 2020 at 11:00am - 1pm
Jackie Moreau · · 9253237818